My name is Yael Wolfe. And I’m here to howl.

I’m a writer, photographer, and artist. I use my work to explore what it means to be a woman in this world, where the Feminine has been dismembered and disrespected.

I want to be whole again – and create spaces and support for other women looking for their own wholeness.

My photo collection, Rising, explores the irrepressible nature of female strength, creativity, and sexuality, through images of nature and my own self-portraits. Each photo is its own story, but all together, they tell a tale of the power of the Feminine, nature and woman speaking as one.

I’m also the creator of Howl, a temple space and artistic celebration of female sexuality. It began as a weekly column in Sexography - you can find the archive of the original articles here.

Where You Can Find More of Me

My Website

You’ll find additional information, products, and other treats at

Yael Wolfe on YouTube

Here, I share mostly updates and casual videos for my readers.


I love posting my photography here and sharing mini updates about what’s going on in my world.


I often post goals here to help me buy equipment for my projects and I particularly love Ko-fi because they don’t take a cut of my contributions. Feel free to drop something in my tip jar — and thank you in advance!


I publish a newsletter 2–4 times a month and share my latest projects, peeks into my life, and free links to my Medium articles.

How to pronounce my name

Yael is two syllables, emphasis on the second syllable. My parents incorrectly pronounced it and their incorrect (and un-phonetic) pronunciation sounds like this: Ya rhymes with pie (I know, I know, that makes no sense), el rhymes with bell (yes, that one makes sense).


Medium member since September 2020
Y.L. Wolfe

Y.L. Wolfe


Book Author

Gender-curious, solosexual, perimenopausal, childless crone-in-training. | Newsletter: | Email: