Are you hanging out with those kind of women? Do you spend a significant amount of time among women who do not abide by traditional gender standards? Do you see them and treat them as your equal? These questions aren’t meant to be challenges. I don’t know you and am not making any assumptions here. These women do exist — about half the women I know are like this. My liberal friends. My conservative friends expect men to make the first move and would never show interest in a man until they had vetted him. And again — no judgment. We all do things differently and have different beliefs. I’m simply saying that it matters who you spend your time with.
And remember that women who aggressively make the first move and don’t believe in “acting like a lady” are usually like that in all areas of life. So if you only like assertive behavior when it comes to dating and sex, and like women to “be women” except in this one area, that’s something that might become a problem further down the line. You have to be able to embrace the full package and all the joy and hardships that come with that.
Can’t hurt to try a totally opposite pool of people to hang with for a couple months, as an experiment. You never know what might come of it! :)