Hurriya Burney, YES! Do you remember when Blue Valentine came out and they gave it a NC-17 rating because it portrayed cunnilingus? They had to fight so hard to get that knocked down to an R rating. I can think of so many movies that portray blow jobs and none of them had to fight an NC-17 rating. Also…beyond that is the massive disparity between depicting blow jobs vs. cunnilingus. I can only think of maybe two movies (including Blue Valentine) that show oral sex on a woman, but could fill a page with movies in which a guy gets a blow job.
And yes, I just want to scream in frustration about the fishy vagina myth and the beauty industry that manufactured these unnecessary, chemical-laden douches and made us feel that we needed to use them in order to be clean and fresh. Arg!
Okay, sorry. I got on my soapbox. ;)
Thank you so much for your comment. Solidarity, sister!