I agree. Ever since I was in my thirties and “behind” on motherhood, people started asking me questions about it, wondering when it was finally gonna happen, asking me what I was doing with my life… It really upset me. And even more so when I got a master’s degree and no one really cared or when I bought a house by myself and no one really cared. But my friends and sister got parties and celebrations and endless Facebook comments when they were pregnant… It was hard to witness. I still take issue with that.
Not that I think we shouldn’t celebrate a woman’s life choices, but the fact that we don’t seem to care about a woman’s education, her financial accomplishments, her career advancements… We only really seem to care when she gets married, has an anniversary, or has a baby.
I wish people made as much of a celebration out of a woman getting her Ph.D. or getting a huge promotion. All the things in our lives are important — not just motherhood. xoxo