I am so sorry to hear that - and I so get it. I keep trying to figure out what's "wrong" with me, lately. I just cannot access any energy, sustaining hope, excitement about today or the future... Nothing. I'm like a soppy rap on the inside. Limp.
I'm not suicidal. I haven't even thought of that, at this point, so I want to assure you that I'm in no actual danger, but I find it so impossibly hard to do work, to plan for the future. And lately, it seems like everyone's gearing up for this amazing 2021, and I'm like..."I couldn't care less."
I just want to be able to be with my friends and family again - without having to plan it all out months ahead of time and go through quarantines and blah blah blah.
I wish with all my heart that I could take advantage of counseling again. I do have insurance, but $20 co-pay once a week is $80 and I literally can't spare that right now. My only "indulgence" purchases are $14/month, so even if I cut that, I still wouldn't have the money. Ugh.
I just pray this is over soon.
You are on my list to email this weekend! xoxo