I don’t know…maybe. Maybe it is emotional for them and then they need to bolt. That is hard for me to imagine, for many reasons, but you know I will consider anything you say. Seriously. :) I value your wisdom immensely.
I have no doubt there are men who would become or display their emotions during sex. I have friends who have told me this is true. LOL. And I have some male friends who are very much in touch with their emotions. I just have never had a lover like that. Well, my last one SEEMED like he was. It seemed like such an emotional experience for both of us, but like many before, he disappeared and I never heard from him again. I cannot help but think that it was all a game to him, that he faked everything for the rush of the conquest. Maybe that’s not true. I will probably never know for sure.
And yes, please write about men who cry when they come! Yes yes!
If the virginity talk is about virtue, I fear that even more than my emotions theory! :/