I get that but also I don't. My love for my parents and silblings...it is so deep, I don't have the words. And I don't say that lightly. We have serious issues in my family. Love has been tested in really horrible ways. But there is no conditionality to it for me. It is unconditional. Believe me, that has been tested. LOL.
My love for my nieces and nephews - unconditional. I would give up my life for them, especially little Alex.
I'm reluctant to say any of that, because I've been schooled in the past that none of that is the same. And maybe that's true. I guess I cannot know that.
But I don't fully understand the emphasis on unconditional love that peopel supposedly only have for their biological children. I get that that's a thing and a big thing and a special thing...but also...I don't get that it's so totally different than other kinds of unconditional love that it has to be separated and held in higher regard.
I'm just thinking aloud here. :)