I got a notification that someone had commented on my comment over at your Hollis article, where I had said something like, “I’m sad to hear this — I was about to read her book.” The comment, from a stranger, said something like, “Why don’t you think for yourself? What a novel concept!”
I was surprised that someone would take time out of their day to be an asshole — and not even in response to your article, but to MY COMMENT. I wanted to see if they had left you a similar rude message, so I looked at the comments and…
I couldn’t believe what I saw there. I could not believe how many women called you out the way they did and FOR NO GOOD REASON that I could see. I was especially floored by the one who said you deliberately chose to idolize Hollis JUST SO YOU COULD KNOCK HER DOWN.
What unbelievable garbage. I still can’t believe the leaps people took to assume you were such a horrible person. Your article was compassionate, clear, honest, and strong. I can understand Hollis fans having a knee-jerk reaction, but the amount of them who perceived you as this jealous bitch who wanted to tear down another woman…? That shocked me.
Also…I noticed one woman (I think it was a woman) who said something like “All great writers plagiarize. It’s not a big deal.” I had to work so hard to stop myself from blowing her out of the water.
NO. All great writers do NOT plagiarize and what a damaging, dangerous, and ridiculous generalization to make. And even if they did, that does NOT make it right. As you pointed out, plagiarism is a serious issue and it deeply troubles me how quick people were to brush that off.
I meant to drop you a line yesterday to give you a lift after seeing all of that but I got distracted, as tends to happen. So I hope this lifts you up! You’re amazing and your story was amazing, and keep up the good fight! ❤