I had to take many ethics classes for my MAT and I think that’s true of anyone who pursues an advanced, professional degree — which is why it shocked me so much to see the way she was conducting herself. I found it very unprofessional and clearly motivated by growing a mailing list. If she was writing without making her credentials front and center, it might not have bothered me quite so much — I could’ve written it off as an opinion piece. But she came at it with a professional slant, which gave what she was saying the credence that comes with the title “Dr.” We should be holding ourselves to a higher standard in cases like that and make it clear, for instance, that she was sharing anecdotal research based solely on personal experience which represented a very small demographic, and acknowledged that this is not, by far, the norm. And I can’t excuse professionals for making assertions and then linking those statements back to their own blog instead of credible external sources. Not okay.