I know, seriously. If I was flexible enough, I would literally bury my face in my own crotch. LMAO. I can’t even tell you how delicious it smells. Like EDIBLE.
But enough about my crotch.
I have never smelled diabetes in someone who didn’t know yet. In fact, I didn’t even notice I could do this until about 3 or 4 years ago. I was sitting in the car with my cousin and was wondering what the hell that smell was that I had been noticing all damn day. I thought it must be my jacket, because we had been all over town, sightseeing and obviously the smell was following me. Then I looked at my cousin and realized I was smelling his diabetes. He has a very severe case of Type I. I never told him that but talked to others about it later and a few people I’ve met have said they have had a similar experiences. Something about insulin levels and the scent that that creates.