I question the guarded flow of information because European publications don’t seem to have the same issues with transparency. It’s US and UK media that seems to be the most evasive. And think of a murder trial — a defendant’s name wouldn’t be hidden in the media, nor their face. Even if the accused was wearing a mask to court, they’d find an older photo to use in articles. Makes you wonder…
As for Ali, I love her and respect her views immensely. I read this and agree with everything she said (most definitely that Ms. Pelicot should be centered). And at the same time…I still think these men deserve to be outed. Protecting their identity is, to me, the same as protecting men’s power, and therefore, protecting rape. It’s unfortunate that many of these men will thrive on the notoriety, but also…I think it’s dangerous for them to remain anonymous.
Overall, however…I don’t think there are any easy answers here. It’s a horror show all around.