I think that I was more than clear that I don’t think we should censor people’s feelings. I’m talking about challenging the toxic narratives that we have about femaleness and women’s life paths in a broader sense, directed at no specific person. At the very least, the kind of statement I wrote about is incredibly hurtful and unfair to adoptive parents, just to name one problem with it.
I guarantee you would be quick to call for the same examination if our culture celebrated childlessness, and childless women constantly talked about how women who were mothers could “never know love,” or “joy,” or whatever.
Our culture prizes pronatalist propaganda and between that and rampant misogyny, it loves to target women who are not biological mothers and tell them they don’t and can’t know love, they aren’t living up to their biological destiny, they have no right to be on the planet if they aren’t going to “pitch in” by having children… I could go on, but surely you get my point.
This isn’t a wound. This is cultural propaganda, sexism, and misogyny.