I'm so sorry that happened to you.
You know, it never ceases to amaze me that people don't seem to care about destroying these hierarchies. I wrote an essay about Roe v. Wade that's somewhat satirical in nature in which I talk about how heterosexual encounters are just too high a cost for women at this stage, now that we are losing abortion rights. I (again, somewhat satirically) said the solution to this problem is just to stop having sex with men.
I've been surprised at how many people have taken this literally. And didn't seem to understand (even though I wrote this very clearly) that this isn't about revenge or manipulation or withholding to get men to fight on our behalf. Why in the hell would I want the help of men if they only gave it to us out of fear of losing access to pussy?
If men don't want to help women just because it's the right thing to do - I mean...what is there to say? If white people don't want to help eliminate racism because it's the right thing to do...shameful. It shouldn't be about "niceness" just as you say, or manipulation, or political pressure, or anything. It's about people's humanity. End of story. If someone can't get it up for that, under ANY circumstance...again, shameful.
Eventually, the oppressors come for everyone. It might take longer the higher up on the pyramid you are...but it will come. They just don't know it yet.