Lovely. Thanks for putting this out there.
I love making the first move and always feel frustrated when I hear these stories about guys being frustrated that THEY have to make the first moves. Well…so many of them want to make the first move WAY sooner than some of us are ready. With a little patience, they might not feel so burdened with that supposed expectation.
I loved being the one to initiate a first kiss with my very first boyfriend. We had been dating for two weeks or so, and were very young and nervous, and I will always appreciate that he gave me that patience. Since then, I’ve literally been tackled (I kid you not) to the floor, onto a bed, or onto a chair for a second-date first kiss (before I felt ready for that escalation of intimacy). I did not enjoy that, at all, and couldn’t believe how many times it happened. Is that a thing, now? :)
Also, some women just can’t get past the indoctrination of our culture. They might never be able to make a move because so many of us have been taught that expressing sexual desire is a major taboo. I know you already know this, but for anyone who happens to read this and doesn’t know — I cannot even begin to fully express how totally and completely suffocating that shame is.
Anyways…so glad we are all having these conversations and putting it out there to share! ❤