Passion = depth of feeling. I don’t equate it with one emotion because it can encompass so many from caring, yes, to sexual desire. Here, I’m talking about the “whole package” of passion — when someone desires to BE with someone else and therefore, loves them/cares for them and has a sexual attraction to them. It’s not a forever thing. That’s why I emphasized that it’s not about marriage proposals. It’s just a “I’m in this RIGHT NOW and I’m in it all the way” thing.
My correlation of passion and stability is simply a man investing in the “moment” of the relationship — for however long that moment lasts. Rather than engaging halfheartedly in a relationship while looking for another partner and/or behaving apathetically toward the partner he is already with.
You are right, there is volatility — and risk! — in passion. But that’s the whole point. When directed well and responsibly, it is so beautiful and has such capacity to take things to a whole new level (and I’m not talking about sex here, but the relationship, itself).
Thanks for reading!