Thank you for this thoughtful, kind comment. We actually did (me, my sister, and my nephew) have a talk in private later about the term misogyny and also about sexism and white privilege — we talked a LOT about all of it. I think a lot went over his head, but I know he is picking up things very fast, especially from his friends.
My greatest concern is to always treat him with respect and never, ever make him feel ashamed. Some of the things he has said lately have been so shocking to me that I fear I might fail at that, and that breaks my heart. At the very least, I always follow up with him to explain why I reacted the way I did and to apologize if I hurt him or made him feel bad. I never want him to feel that way, especially at his age, when he is just making his way in the world and doesn’t really know what he’s doing yet.
So…we’ll see. I’m learning right alongside him!