The Revolutionary Act of Choosing to Define Sex in Your Own Way

And how this simple act can change the world

Y.L. Wolfe


Photo by Pablo Nidam on Scopio

Eight and a half hours.

It started with a massage that became erotic within about ten minutes.

Then we moved into the bathroom where we stripped down to our underwear so I could shave his beard — a little erotic adventure we had planned ahead of time. That task took three times longer than it should have because I couldn’t keep my hands off him. With every pass of the razor making his jawline and incredibly beautiful lips more and more visible, I became increasingly worked up, pausing every few moments to furiously make out with him, which often turned into long caresses and, well, other things…

Then there was the shower we took to wash all the stray beard hairs off our bodies, which was less a shower and more a wet, vertical, full-body wrestling match.

And finally, we landed in bed, damp and exhausted, and yet we managed to keep going at that same pace until the early morning hours.

It might surprise you to hear, though, that certain parts of our anatomy never came together during that time.

In fact, the next morning, when I recalled in absolute awe how long we had spent adoring each other’s bodies, he said…



Y.L. Wolfe

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