Well, I've only had about three stories go "viral" - and I use that term loosely! LOL. And my income here is almost the same every single month. That's both good - and bad. My backlog of stories is increasing, which you'd think would help me make more, but my disinterest in pushing for better numbers keeps me consistent rather than growing.
My number of followers has never mattered. I happened to come in at a good time, and made steady money here and since October 2019, I've genuinely been making about the same amount - back then I had 1K followers, now I have a little over 5K.
I could do much better, I suspect, if I niched myself a little more and focused more on stories that I know are popular topics. But I am a very selfish writer, ha ha, and I write what I want to write. A lot of my stuff is my own personal life stories and so my audience is smaller, but very engaged.
I don't check my stats. No joke. I almost never look at my views or reads during the month. For me, it makes it harder to focus on my work if I start fretting about the numbers going down on a given day - and they will always go down sometimes, so it's best that I avoid the roller coaster ride and just do my work.
And consistency in publishing has helped me. I try to publish at least 5 days a week, though I'd like to transition into 2-4 times a week. I'm still working that out.
My highest views tend to come from Human Parts, Sexography, and The Bad Influence. I swear, most of the stuff I publish in TBI has developed a life of its own. It's an awesome pub. My own publications do not have a lot of followers, but again, I publish a lot of my personal work there because it means something to me - it's more important to curate those collections than to build my numbers with them. Ultimately, I hope that those two things will coincide someday.