What a treat to hear from a man who isn’t obsessed with 22-year-olds. (Not that that’s a bad thing, but it’s nice for women over 40 to hear that we’re not irrelevant!)
You know, I can’t help but wonder about the therapy situation — if things had been the other way around. I know a ton of guys over 40 who won’t date a woman over 25 and they aren’t talking to therapists about it. They aren’t wondering if there’s a fetish going on there. Do you know what I mean? Not that I question you for exploring that, but if you had been pathologically interested in younger women, I wonder if you or anyone else would have even cared to explore that further? (I hope that came off right…just thinking out loud.)
My ex was substantially younger than I was — at the time, he had a real thing for older women, too. Until he took a sharp left and decided he liked 20-year-old receptionists. LOL. Anyways…I always felt so ashamed of our age difference, like I was doing something wrong by dating a younger man. Which made me crazy angry because I knew if our genders were reversed, no one would have cared…