When I was in middle school (late 80s) this was THE insult. It was the dirtiest, most horrible thing anyone could say - and so they said it, all the time.
At 12, I had no idea what it meant. I only knew it was the ultimate insult. One day, when my sister got mad and threw a hanger at me, I yelled, "You faggot!"
My mother came running in, screaming, "What the hell did you just say?! How dare you use that word!!"
She explained it to me and I was MORTIFIED. I couldn't believe everyone was using that word at school and the teachers never said anything.
Needless to say, I never said it again, but have been dismayed that it seems to crop up often, even as a comment like this.
I couldn't agree more that you can't just utter this word, even to no one, without harm. Say "fuck," say "shit," but do NOT use slurs as a curse word to express frustration. This shouldn't even have to be said.