You make a good point. I agree.
I try to mention that regularly in other articles, but I purposefully don’t give it the same amount of space only because, in my opinion, we still don’t center women enough in these conversations. We are still so quick to say, “But men, too.” And it’s not that I think men shouldn’t be considered — I absolutely DO. But I think it’s so, so vital that we allow women to take up space and center their stories.
To me, it’s similar to the #alllivesmatter vs. #blacklivesmatter. Yes, of course, all lives matter. But black people deserve to be centered, to take up room, and to have the focus on THEM as we correct this imbalance. Likewise, I believe we need to focus on women until this imbalance is corrected. That doesn’t mean ignoring men, of course, but for me, it’s important to normalize the centering of women and what’s happening to women today.
Thank you for this compassionate, very valid point. ❤